Brian James (Sir) Lochore (Coach)

First names: 
Brian James (Sir)
Teams and Years: 

Wairarapa Bush 1980, 1981, 1982
NZ Colts 1984
New Zealand 1985, 1986, 1987 Pt


1980: Team finished 3rd, NPC 2nd Div, Nth Island: P 13, W 6, L 6, D 1: Pts F 167: Pts A 158
1981: Team finished 1st, NPC 2nd Div, Nth Island: P 14, W 11, L 3: Pts F 238: Pts A 158
1982: Team finished 8th, NPC 1st Div: P 15, W 6, L 8, D 1: Pts F 213: Pts A 297

Total: P 42, W 23 (54.8 %), L 17, D 2: Pts F 618: Pts A 613

1984: NZ Colts: P 4, W 2, L 2: Pts F 76: Pts A 58

Sub Total: P 4, W 2 (50.0 %), L 2: Pts F 76: Pts A 58

1985: AB's: Team played 5 tests  W 4, D 1: Pts F 124, Pts A 78: Played 5 other games    
W 5: Pts F 209: Pts A 46
1986: AB's: Team played 6 tests W 3, L 3, Pts F 74, Pts A 79: Played 6 other games       
W 6: Pts F 196: Pts A 64

AB's: Team played 7 tests, W 7: Pts F 328: Pts A 68

Total: AB's: P 29, W 25 (86.2 %), L 3, D 1: Pts F 931: Pts A 335

Overall total: P 75, W 50 (66.7 %), L 22, D 3: Pts F 1,625: Pts A 1,006

2003: Steinlager Salver (For outstanding service to rugby)
2006: IRB Vernon Pugh Award for Distinguished Service
2011: Inducted World Rugby Hall of Fame